Nothing Stops

Overcoming barriers by delivering engaging talks featuring inspiring stories and real world experience.

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"Your presentation was absolutely spot-on! Poignant, hard-hitting and inspiring. I cannot thank you enough and strongly believe that you have made a difference to a new set of teachers and their pupils."

Through walking the walk, we're qualified to talk the talk.

Your audience deserves to hear from experts. People who have been there, done it, and got the t-shirt. People who have overcome the challenges you face.

If you'd like a talk on any of the following topics, booking us the best way to make sure your guests leave feeling inspired and armed with the tools to take action.

  • Overcoming adversity
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Diversity and inclusivity
  • Disability
  • Software development
  • Marketing
  • Education/Special Education Needs & Disability
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Limitations are posed by ourselves.

We speak to:




Meet Kim


The Queen of copy: Kim's career has mostly been spent in marketing, copywriting and public relations. Though, that's the tip of the iceburg in terms of experience.

A degree in Public Health and a stint on the committee of a nursery means that Kim's skill set is vast - especially when it comes to communicating with people.

Through Covid, Kim's first business born and ever since she's thrived as an entrepreneur!

If you want anything doing, Kim is the person to ask. Whilst actions speak louder than words, Kim's words are empowering and inspiring. Anyone can learn from her stories and experience.

Meet Andy


Born with cerebral palsy, doctors predicted Andy would never walk or talk. Suffice to say, he exceeded expectations.

Andy has been developing commercial software since the age of 15 and been in business since leaving college. Along the way he's also taught, organised events, and run charities on national and international scale.

Perhaps more importantly, Andy has picked up some invaluable lessons about all aspects of life and knows a thing or two about what it takes to be successful...

We may be biased but a Diana Award, North East Lincolnshire Business Awards Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, recognition for Contribution to College Life, and recognition for Contribution to PE in secondary school goes some way to show the impact Andy has.

A core philosophy of his is "if you can help, you should" and speaking is a key element of this. Andy aims to leave people of all ages not only inspired, but armed with the tools to turn that inspiration into action.

Register your interest

If you'd like us to deliver one of our talks, simply complete the form below in as much detail as possible.

Please give us as much notice as you can if you'd like us to deliver a talk on a specific day.